Some Of My Beliefs and Views On The World


The power of the current systems of indoctrination, conditioning and subtle forms of brainwashing cannot be taken for granted and we must empower our selves to think freely and think for our selves.

We must do everything in our power to break free from collective social norms, depending on others for our salvation and escape the accepted narrative of living and settling for mediocrity. Settling for the way things are.

When we explore and come to know truth through self-discovery and self-knowledge, we can face the reality of our situation. The reality that most of what we have been taught to believe about our selves, about the world, are not entirely accurate.

Buddha expresses it beautifully:

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

The limitations on our way of being have been learned and ingrained in us… so much so that many of us will have only lived life as a mere accident rather than traversing this planet deliberately and thus leaving our unique and beautiful mark on it.

The world is not a stagnant, unchanging phenomenon.

We have the power to make it better.

Not by way of force or utilizing the apparatuses of power that are so easily corrupted. Not from the top down. Not by continuing to believe that any one person can solve complex geopolitical, economic and social problems. Not by imposing our opinions or idea of how things “should be” on others.

But by looking at the damn mirror.

We must accept that the troubles we see around us are in fact, an effect, a reflection of what is happening at the level of the self, of what is happening within us.

To grow our selves, take control over our minds, our attitude and to live consistently with our values. These things we all have the power to transform.

As Ghandi famously shares:

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

This way of being is like learning to speak an entirely new language. One of peace, love and empathy.

Robin Sharma takes it even further:

“You can preach a better sermon by how you live your life than with your words.” 

We may have reached incredible horizons technologically and economically but as a psychological and emotional being, as well as from a self-worth stand point, we have a lot of growth and evolution still ahead.

Lack of accountability, lack of integrity, outsourcing responsibility for change to another, self-inflicted bullying, constant indecisiveness, acting against our own highest benefit, being a slave to our fears and detrimental habits, disconnected from our bodies and not honouring or acknowledging our emotions…

All of this is a by-product of forgetting and perhaps ignoring one of the most, if not the most important tenet of philosophy:

“Know thyself.”

And Aristotle takes it one step deeper:

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

It is too easy to go through life without questioning what is. Without attempting to make things better than they are.

The journey towards greater self-knowledge can lead us toward deeper compassion, love and acceptance for our self.

It results in a willingness to be vulnerable and the courage to live an authentic life. Something so desperately needed in this world.

When we develop this within our self… through our thoughts, words and actions we can outwardly spread beauty, truth and love in the world.

The more we understand our self, the more we understand the world.

As Socrates puts it:

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

I whole heartedly agree.

And self-knowledge is not something that can be bestowed upon us. It is not some product, course or workshop you can purchase and voila! – you have self knowledge.

It is not a thing that we can acquire. We are already surrounded by so many possessions. By so many things.

This is something that we constantly strive towards. Something we continually aim for. It involves deep reflection, conversation, journalling, solitude, aligning our life, our work and our relationships with our discoveries and continuing to step forward into the unknown of power and possibility.

It is something that we must rise up to meet it at it’s own level after experiencing, exploring and understanding some of our deepest trauma, pain, suffering, happiness, bliss and euphoria.

As Carl Jung says:

“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” 

When we come to know our selves we can see our selves in another. We can look at someone in the eyes and see and feel their humanity within our own self. We can recognize and understand what they are going through.

Part of this life is realizing we have the power to discover and decide what we are here to contribute, create and share with this world.

Our gift.

Our story.

The source of our significance, meaning and fulfilment in life. The giving of our gift and sharing it with the world.

My gift is something I continue to uncover and step into every single day, with every single person I encounter. I hope that I get to share it with you wherever you are with my words, my videos, my music…

Some final words before I sign-off…

I declare this possibility: the time has come for a revolution in how individuals lead their lives and lead the world into more beauty, truth and love.

I declare the possibility that who I am is a catalyst for millions of people to cultivate belief in them selves.

I take the stand that anyone I engage is exposed to the opportunity to transform and re-invent them self into an extraordinary leader who lives authentically and abundantly gives their gift to this world.

I take the stand that my life serves as a clearing for people to align them selves with their truth and that by living their truth they make a tremendous impact in the world.

With great love,




  1. Gia Duke October 21, 2013 at 16:10

    So beautiful Oliver…thank you for sharing, I couldn’t agree more… Smiles, gia

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