How To Get Unstuck

When everything is absolute fuckness, you’re stuck and can't get anything done - GOOD. It means you have higher standards and values for yourself and want to strive towards them.
If you're anxious, angry, sad, excited, or invigorated - congratulations! You're alive.
Every emotion is a signal. The nice ones never last and the painful ones always linger. But as inconvenient as some emotions are, they are all here to serve us.
Most often though uncomfortable emotions get squashed, suppressed or avoided by binge-watching OITNB, overeating, or whatever. Regardless of what it is when we distract ourselves we miss out on the message our body is trying to tell us.
When we suppress our emotions - watch out! They may manifest in potentially destructive ways in the future. Best to tune in now and save yourself the drama for when you Netflix and chill.

Getting stuck happens when what we do doesn't align with what's happening inside us.

Our job doesn't serve our passion. Our relationship isn't meeting our needs. We've been settling in life.
Whatever it is, it is crucial to be in a process of self-discovery so that the actions we take start matching up with our core values.
Here are 9 simple ways to breakthrough your stuck-ness and access your power and possibility:

1) Get rid of the clutter

Get rid of people, things, habits that no longer serve you. Make room for the new. This includes tying up loose ends and getting into integrity with finances, relationships, chores, etc. Complete or release things from different aspects of your life.

2) Listen for the gift

Shut your talking face hole and open up your eyes and ears. Listen, absorb, observe, notice, acknowledge, both your inner world and outer world. You never know what gem of wisdom or insight you may uncover.

3) Build up and manage your energy

Invest in ways that help cultivate greater levels of energy. Exercise, move your body, sleep well, say no to the unnecessary and energy sucking people and activities. Clean up your eating habits, drink more water, unplug from the news. The more energy you have, the more you'll be able to do in less time.

4) Connect with Your Burning Desire

Connect with your 'why'! What do you stand for? What is the number one lesson you want to share before you die? What do you want to be an example of? How do your life, relationships and work align with your life themes? Line up your life themes with your self expression and access greater possibilities.


Practice every single day. Get your ass in the driver's seat, on your mat, at the canvas, at your typewrtier, The reward is in the doing, not the finished product. As we practice our truth reveals itself.

6) First thing’s first

Take control over the first hour of every single day. Meditate, read, journal, grow yourself, exercise, increase your value to yourself and to the world. Take really good care of yourself first and you can be more resourceful, compassionate, present and loving to those around you.

7) Be the ripple

Share what you discover along the way to the people in your midst. Give them the gift of the wisdom you've acquired and earned through your self commitment and daily practice.

8) Seek the beauty already in your life

Go live an amazing life! It’s not all about money, work, and being productive. There is so much more beauty, truth and love in nature, conversations, situations and experiences you encounter throughout the day. You just have to go out and find it.

9) Attitude of Gratitude

Want more without appreciation of what you already have? How dare you think you deserve more. Find the abundance that is already in your life.

"Achievement without appreciation is worthless." - Tim Ferriss

Getting unstuck with whatever obstacle you face takes time and energy. With these steps I guarantee movement in your life because combined they help you become so much bigger than the problem in front of you.
They help you recommit to yourself every day. They help you make a shift from being focused on the outcome to being focused on daily practice and being in process. The true source of power.
It becomes an entire way of being that creates new possibilities where there was once scarcity and frustration.
There is no “on/off” switch to whatever you’re experiencing. Be with it. Trust that it is part of your own unique process. Keep showing up and doing the work.
To be confident and energetic when things are going your way is easy. But if who you are being and how you show up is powerful, present, and in action during the breakdowns too, you know you have evolved towards your next biggest breakthrough.